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Top Position
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2 weeks ago

Project Manager

≈ 1 000
Новая вакансия: Project Manager

Компания: Top Position
Категории: #ProjectМенеджер
Тип занятости: #ПолнаяЗанятость
Фильтры: #Вакансия #Middle #УдаленнаяРабота
Заработная плата: от 1 000 $ (дол/мес)

Top Position is a fast-paced digital marketing agency with headquarters in Florida.

Our mission is to help business owners achieve their personal, professional, and financial goals using digital sources, the latest technologies, and business optimization software. We work with clients from different industries, and on different levels of business growth, and we strive for them to achieve their biggest goals as well as show them other creative solutions they could not think of.

Our core values are the backbone of our business and guide our hiring process: we are professional, ethical,...

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